Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Handbell performance

Krista woke me up a while ago (she thought it was time to get up and she started to shawer... at 12:30am!!!)

But at last I have a minute at the computer to post this. Here's a sample of Krista's school performance She's in the first year of Handbells offered at the Jr High.


Stephanie F. said...

Haha. That's too funny she got in the shower at 12:30. I'm surprised you were already in bed, aren't you a night owl??
Very cool video of Krista. I always wanted to be part of the handbell group :)

Heidi P said...

Cute of Krista!! Funny, I bet she was excited to go back to bed!

Darren Hintze said...

I stopped being a "night owl" about age 35... although lately I've had more trouble sleeping. I'm usually asleep by 11:30 these days.