Saturday, March 1, 2008

RC Air Combat

So I've mentioned RC Air Combat from time to time... and finally having a dose today after a long winter, I'm excited about flying again. Here's a great sample of what we do. My plane in this video is Blue and white on top with the yellow/black checkerboard on the bottom (I'm involved in about half the hits).


Stephanie F. said...

Is that Raymond's voice at the beginning? That was really awesome! Asher would love to see it sometime, when it's warmer we'll come watch :)

Darren Hintze said...

Yup, that is Ray at the beginning. He was there with Russel that day...

Heidi P said...

Super cool Darren!! I love the 'Take off" of everyone. The hard core music is a little different from your usual air supply. Great video!!

Darren Hintze said...

Heh Heidi..

I didn't make this video. The guy flying the yellow plane did. His wife filmed most of it and he put it together. At that time, 3 of our group members were part of his company.

Mindy said...

Cool plane wars. I remember your dad doing that when we were all kids.

Ben Hyde said...

I remember growing up watching your dad and Ray fly them as well.
My most acute memory was of a bunch of us at Sertoma park (Rock Canyon elementary) and either you or Jeff said " wouldn't it be cool if the tail fell off" then he pointed his finger at one of the planes and said "bang". The tail of the plane we were watching promptly blew apart and the whole plane came crashing to the earth.

Years later I was back at that same park with my brother-in-law and his plane, a glider. He was just learning how to fly then and as all flyers know, his plane looked liked it. It was more glue than styrofoam. He hand launched it by giving it a gentle toss into the breeze. It glided beautifully for about a half of a second then suddenly dove straight down and planted itself, nose first in the grass. In a moment of stupid, my brother-in-law had pushed the joystick up thinking the plane would follow. Ever the optomist he looked at his newly shatterer plane and said, " I can epoxy that back together!" ;)